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...隨著華為P40系列的推出,2020年上半年備受矚目的旗艦手機就剩下一加8系列了。根據此前WinFuture的說法,一加 8將提供三種顏色選擇,包括黑色,淺綠色以及名為「發光」的漸變色。就外觀設計而言,新機看起來幾乎跟一加7T Pro一樣,只有一個例外那就是6.55英寸的90 Hz螢幕採用了打孔前置攝像頭。性能方面,一加 8將搭載驍龍865,並具有8GB RAM / 128GB UFS存儲或12GB RAM / 256GB UFS存儲。背面有一個4800萬像素的主相機,還有一個1600萬像素的廣角相機和200萬像素的深度傳感器。4300 mAh電池供電,30W快速充電,但不支持無線充電。...而剛剛爆料人Ishan Agarawal 給出了一加 8 Pro的螢幕信息,該機採用6.78英寸「 超級流體彎曲(Super Fluid Curved)」 120 Hz螢幕。功能要點包括1400尼特亮度和MEMC(運動補償)、HDR10 +。他間接確認了一加 8 Pro的設計,其外觀與較小的一加 8基本相同,只是後置相機模塊不同。IT之家了解到,一加預計將在4月中旬發布這兩款手機。另外,今日有外媒放出一組一加8的最新渲染圖。..................此次曝光的一加8官方渲染圖和此前曝光的資料基本一致:後置豎排三攝+單打孔曲面屏,不過此次還加入了一款十分特別的全新炫彩配色,其背殼配色方案更像是由紫色、粉色和淡黃色融合後組成的漸變色。一加的系統好評!
This series of books teach the word families in a fun, engaging way with stories and activities. As teaching the young children, this will help students start the very beginning reading, especially get the sense of sounds and words. Each lesson covers a word family story and followed by exercises to help students to:
●recognize word patterns and common phonetic sounds;
●build the vocabulary and improve spelling skills;
●learn to read and understand stories;
●enhance oral reading fluency and have fun!
楊耀琦 Archie Yang
美國University of New Haven 教育研究所
「引導式英文寫作」、「From Phonics to RT 1、2、3」、「Super Phonics 1、2」、「Sight Words to Reading 1、2」、「Sight Words to Reading 1、2」、「Sight Words字卡(220張字卡+教案說明)」、「唱歌謠。唸韻文。讀劇本系列(共五冊+5AVCD)」、「讀者劇場Easy Show」、「繪本讀劇」…等三十多本
楊峰 Ian Yang
杭州Reading Lab 童說閱讀工作室課程指導教師
杭州探客戶外用品有限公司 跨境事業部 北美市場總經理
How to Use This Book
Unit 1
-ail Word Family
Gail’s Tail
Unit 2
-uck Word Family
The Truck Is Stuck
Unit 3
-est Word Family
A Chest in the West
Unit 4
-ook Word Family
The Cool Cook
Unit 5
-ight Word Family
Good Night, Sleep Tight!
Unit 6
-ide Word Family
Snow White the Bride
Reader’s Theater
Gail’s Tail
Word List
Word Families? What/Why/When/How?
What are word families? They are groups of words that have a common feature or pattern. They have the same letter combinations, a similar sound, and they're a wonderful tool for those new to spelling. For example, at, cat, hat, and fat are a family of words with the "at" sound and letter combination in common. But, that understanding can be built upon, when you consider how many other words belong to the "at" family. From "bat", “cat”, students can advance to tougher words, such as “combat” and “copycat”. How does it work in reading? Take “at” word family for example:
A cat
A fat cat
A fat on the mat
A fat cat sat on the mat with a bat
Word families help students learn to read, while building their vocabulary. Being able to recognize patterns and common phonetic sounds is the foundation for strong spelling skills. Of course, not every word in the English language can be sounded out, but this is an ideal place to start.
According to the National Council of Teachers of English, there are 37 common word families that come out 500 words. The 37 most common word families in English are: ack, ain, ake, ale, all, ame, an, ank, ap, ash, at, ate, aw, ay, eat, ell, est, ice, ick, ide, ight, ill, in, ine, ing, ink, ip, it, ock, oke, op, ore, ot, uck ,ug, ump, unk.
Many of the nursery rhymes contain common word families. You can use these rhymes to teach these letter combinations (and how they are spelled and spoken), having the students sound them out after memorizing the rhyme. For example, the words away, day and play which belong to “ay” word family in the kid song “Rain, Rain, Go away”.
Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day
Little Johnny wants to play
Rain, rain, go away
As we can see, all of these rhyming words make the song much easier to read and sing. It’s one of the best ways to help kids start to read. Students can use the website to look for more words that belong to word families. (www.rhymezone.com)
The stories and activities in this series of books teach the 24 most common word families in a fun, engaging way. As teaching the young children, we hope this will help students to start the very beginning reading, especially to get the sense of sounds and the words. When children begin to read, they must sound out every letter.
Through the activities from the book, we can see how word family patterns help children's spelling. They are able to recognize spelling patterns and apply these to other words of the same family. When learning families of words, children are able to read familiar patterns of letters quickly and fluently. Every child learns differently. Doing word family activities is a great way to involve kids' whole bodies to reach kids of many different learning styles, and help struggling learners as well.
- ISBN:9789869753869
- 叢書系列:
- 規格:平裝 / 84頁 / 19 x 26 x 1 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
- 出版地:台灣
- 本書分類:> >
壹讀 https://read01.com/xm7RaNJ.html
博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010838047
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